Department of Transatlantic Research - Державна установа «Інститут всесвітньої історії НАН України»

The department was founded in 2014.

The history of the department is associated with the names of such outstanding scientists as doctors of historical sciences, professors Eugene E. Kaminsky, Boris Mikhailovych Gonchar, doctors of political sciences, professors Boris Ivanovych Kantsilyaruk and other well-known specialists in the field of transatlantic research.

Areas of research of the department:

- History of the Euro-Atlantic countries;

- history of international relations;

- history, socio-economic and cultural relations of Ukraine with the countries of Europe and America, analysis and forecasting of development of these relations;

- the system of international relations in the context of planetary challenges;

- international security, the settlement of international conflicts, the influence of geopolitical processes, interethnic and interconfessional relations on international security in the age of globalization and regionalization.

The department studies history and problems of international relations of Europe and America, global and regional aspects of the functioning of international systems. The department's staff studies trends in international relations with an emphasis on the theory, practical experience and peculiarities of the interaction of international actors in the modern world.

Topics of the Scientific research work for 2017-2018:

"Foreign Policy Strategies of the Leading States of the Euro-Atlantic Space in the Context of Ukraine's National Interest".

FESENKO Mykola Vasyliyovych, born in 1976. Leading Research Fellow. Candidate of Political Science, Senior Research Fellow. Specialty: political scientist, international specialist, specialist in political problems of international systems and global development. The sphere of scientific interests is the problems of the transformation of the international system and the formation of a new international order, the consolidation of the world-system entities in overcoming the crisis of world governance, the problems of sustainable development, the problems and prospects of global governance, US foreign policy.
Mitrofanova Oksana Oleksandrivna, born in 1975. Senior Research Fellow. Candidate of Political Science, Senior Research Fellow. Specialty: historian, political scientist, internationalist, specialist in the history of France. Sphere of scientific interests: external, military, security policy of independent Ukraine and France, research of strategic partnership, strategic partnership with the USA of leading European actors, EU, NATO, information wars.
Lakishik Dmitro Mikhailovych, born in 1975 Senior Research Fellow. Candidate of Historical Sciences, Senior Research Fellow. Specialty: historian, political scientist, internationalist, American. Sphere of scientific interests: research of global and regional dimensions of foreign policy of the USA and the EU; modern trends of American global and regional geopolitics; problems of transatlantic relations; the evolution of the US security strategy; peculiarities of the development of US-Ukrainian relations.
Godluk Alena Mykolayovna, born in 1984. Research Fellow. Candidate of Political Science. Specialty: historian, political scientist, internationalist, American. Sphere of scientific interests - modern history, international relations, European Union policy, history of the United States, specializes in the field of studying Ukrainian-American relations.
Tolstov Sergey Valerianovych, born in 1955. Head of Transatlantic Studies Department. Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. Specialty: Historian, political scientist, specialist in international relations and foreign policy. The sphere of scientific interests concerns the interaction of the countries of the Euro-Atlantic community, the evolution of the international system and issues of international security.
Pugachova Darya Volodymyrivna, born in 1987. Junior Research Fellow. Specialty: historian, political scientist, international. Sphere of scientific interests: modern history, international relations, foreign policy of the Scandinavian countries, security problems in the post-bipolar period.
Молодший науковий співробітник Фах: історик Сфера наукових інтересів – новітня історія, міжнародні відносини, зовнішня політика Великої Британії.
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