Department of History of New Independent States - Державна установа «Інститут всесвітньої історії НАН України»

The department was founded in 2014.

Areas of research of the department:

- the history of the newly independent states;

- history of international relations and contemporary features of cultural and civilizational development of post-Soviet countries;

- socio-political and cultural relations of Ukraine with the newly independent states, analysis and forecasting of development of these relations;

- international security, settlement of international conflicts in the post-Soviet area and Central and Eastern Europe.

The subject of research of the department covers the problems of the history of the newly independent states of Central and Eastern Europe, as well as states that have arisen or were restored on the territory of the former USSR; the transformation of political systems in the countries of Europe and the CIS; models and dynamics of political, socio-cultural, ethno-national processes in the countries of the CEE and in the post-Soviet space; the evolution of the system of international relations in the post-Soviet space under the influence of geopolitical factors. The department studies the complex of historical, political, socio-economic, cultural and civilizational causes that influence the course, character, direction, content and trends of modernization processes in post-Soviet countries.

The topics of the Scientific research work for 2017-2018 are:

"European and Eurasian paradigms of integration as a factor of transformation of the post-Soviet space".

Bulvinsky Andriy Grigorovich, born 1972 Head of the department, leading researcher. Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor. Specialty: historian, specialist in the history of Ukraine and Ukrainian diplomacy. Sphere of scientific interests: history of Ukraine of the XVII century, history of Ukrainian diplomacy, Ukrainian-Russian relations. He specializes in the study of military and diplomatic aspects of the history of the Ukrainian Cossack state, the humanitarian problems of Ukrainian-Russian relations at the present stage.
Deputy Director for Scientific and Organizational Work and General Issues.
Учений секретар Державної установи «Інститут всесвітньої історії НАН України» Кандидат політичних наук, доцент. Фах: політологія, міжнародні відносини, зовнішня політика України, всесвітня історія, національна безпека.
Dobrovolskaya Angelina Borysivna, born in 1965 Senior Research Fellow. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Research Fellow. Specialty: economist-internationalist, specialist in problems of world economy and international economic relations. Sphere of scientific interests: recent history of the post-Soviet countries, international relations, in particular, the influence of post-industrial and globalization tendencies on the economic and social components of national development, on the values ​​of society as well as on geopolitical factors on the nature of socio-systemic transformations of transitive countries.
Старший науковий співробітник. Кандидат історичних наук. Фах: магістр зовнішньої політики, референт-перекладач французької мови.
Zelenko Galyna Ivanivna. Senior Research Fellow. Doctor of Political Science, Professor. Specialty: political scientist, specialist in political institutes and processes, development of the Visegrad countries. Sphere of scientific interests: processes of political modernization and political institutionalization in Ukraine and CEE countries.
Foshan Yaroslav Igorovych, born in 1975 Candidate of Historical Sciences. Research Fellow. Specialty: historian, Ukrainian scientist. Sphere of scientific interests: cultural and spiritual life of the Ukrainian people; the history of Ukraine and Belarus in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; the latest history of the Balkan Peninsula countries.
Slyosko Olena Oleksandrivna, born in 1963 Senior Research Fellow. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Research Fellow. Specialty: economist-internationalist, specialist in problems of market relations of post-soviet countries, international monetary and financial relations, TNCs. Sphere of scientific interests: research of historical conditions of formation and regulation of the markets of post-Soviet countries, in particular, the Central Asian region. The Silk Road: The Opportunities of the Present.
Stelmakh Victoria Olexandrivna, born in 1982 Junior Research Fellow. Candidate of Political Science. Specialty: political scientist-internationalist, specialist from the countries of the Visegrad Group. Sphere of scientific interests: recent history of the countries of Central and Eastern Europe, international relations, youth policy of the European Union, socio-political development of the Visegrad countries, problems of democracy and participation of young people in the functioning of civil society.
Fomin Sergey Sergiyovich, born in 1944. Senior Research Fellow. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Senior Research Fellow. Specialty: economist, specialist in international economic integration. Sphere of scientific interests: international economic integration, the role of the state in socio-economic development, historical experience of the emergence and development of various types of political and socio-economic systems.
Oleg Mykhailovich Tsapko, born in 1968. Senior Research Fellow. Candidate of Historical Sciences, associate professor Specialty: political history specialist in Ukraine and countries of the Central Asian region. Sphere of scientific interests: history of modern countries of the Central Asian region, transformational processes in modern China, confessional relations in modern Ukraine, history of international and international legal relations.
Rudyakov Pavel Mykolayovich, born in 1956. Senior Research Fellow. Doctor of Philology, Professor. Specialty: Slavist, expert in the history and culture of the Balkan countries. Sphere of scientific interests: history of the southern Slavs, comparative studies.
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